Year 4

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Curriculum Newsletters

Curriculum Letter Lent Term 2024 25

Lent Term RE Curriculum Letter

Curriculum Letter Advent Term 2024 25

Class Letters


Times Tables

The National Curriculum states that the skills listed below should be embedded by the end of the year group.

Times Tables Expectations By Year Group


Spelling rules and patterns are regularly taught as part of our English curriculum. Alongside the learning in class, children will receive a weekly spelling list as part of their homework.

The word lists below are those which children use frequently in their writing but can often be spelled incorrectly. Some children in Year 4 may still be learning words from Year 1 and 2.

New Curriculum Spelling Lists Years 1 And 2

New Curriculum Spelling List Years 3 And 4


Homework is given out every Monday and is to be returned by the Friday of the same week. This could include:-

– times table practise using ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ (children use own logins)

– spellings

– a Maths or English task relating to learning for that week

– a Knowledge Organiser task relating to ongoing projects in other subjects e.g. history, science etc

In addition to this, we ask that you support your children to read at least 3 times a week and record this in their reading record book. Regular reading really does help your child to access all areas of the curriculum.

Thank you.

Home Learning Padlet

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