Our Curriculum Intent
“Why are we teaching our curriculum to our children in our school?”
At Our Lady of Lincoln Catholic Primary School, we celebrate the gift of each child as a child of God – unique and different, but ALL entitled to the same opportunities and experiences.
Our intention is that the curriculum at Our Lady of Lincoln Primary School will build on the school mission and values – to create good citizens and to sow the seeds based on Christ’s commandments and to enable our children to live positive, successful and fulfilling lives.
Through our empowering curriculum, we promote ambition for our community, teach strategies for overcoming barriers, share examples of God’s care and love and raise aspirations by opening our children’s eyes to the world beyond their immediate environment. Our curriculum is designed to allow our children to believe that the sky is their limit, by sharing with them the best that has been achieved and giving them the knowledge and skills to identify their passions and interests to then go forward and make a difference.
Our curriculum encourages our children to:
Be positive, Be respectful, Be resilient, Be independent, Be knowledgeable, Be ambitious and Be confident
We aim for all our children to become good communicators whose voices are heard by sharing their opinions, standing up for their beliefs and speaking with different audiences.
We believe that an effective curriculum offers knowledge, skills, understanding and progression. Our curriculum is designed with these principles: it is personalised, reflecting the background and experience of our pupils; it is outward facing, setting learning in global contexts wherever possible and it is rooted in context so that learning is relevant.
At Our Lady of Lincoln Catholic Primary School, we see knowledge and skills as intertwined. The curriculum is about how we can ensure that pupils can achieve both. Curriculum content is designed with this in mind and subject leaders work actively to review this aspect regularly. Our curriculum is split into subject areas with threads that intertwine through each subject. Each subject has an individual intent statement focusing on the knowledge and skills to be learnt.
A specific plan of what we want our pupils to know and to be able to do, at different stages and by the time they leave school is the next part of our intent. It outlines the objectives and sets out the sequence and structure of how it will be implemented.
Ultimately, our ‘intent’ will permeate school life and will be seen embedded in daily classroom life as this is when the true impact of why our curriculum is designed for our children will be evident.