Our Parent’s Association

Welcome to Our Lady of Lincoln Parent Teacher Association.  We provide parents and teachers opportunities to work together and be actively involved in providing extended activities for our children and community.

Having a child at Our Lady of Lincoln school means that you are automatically a member of the PTA!  How much you would like to be involved in entirely up to you.  We are a friendly, welcoming and proactive group and currently there are about 10 of us who meet regularly to help discuss and organise events at school.  We understand that not everyone can attend meetings and that sometimes it is not possible to help at all events, that’s why we need as many parents as possible to keep things ticking over.

Our events raise money for the school, so that our children can benefit from resources which enhance the curriculum and their learning.  So far we have raised money for: outdoor play equipment, chairs for the ICT suite, stage lighting in the hall, football kit supplies, school nature area, netball kit, books for school and more recently the DARE programme (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), more outdoor play resources linked to the Maths curriculum and resources for the new Year 1 outdoor area.

We also enable parents to have a ‘voice’ where their ideas and opinions are listened to.  Please look out for our fliers and letters which will let you know about our upcoming events and the dates of our future meetings.  It would be great to have you on board!