
Welcome to Our Lady of Lincoln Catholic Primary School.

Choosing a primary school for your son or daughter is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. You will want to offer your child every opportunity to achieve academic success and allow them the widest possible range of experiences to develop their own personal interests and talents. You will also want your child to feel safe in an environment where they feel happy and secure, that prepares them for further growth and development and helps them to realise their full potential.

At Our Lady’s school, that is what we offer your child. We welcome all children and families from faith or no faith backgrounds, providing a rich educational experience, rooted in Christian family values within a caring and nurturing environment. Our Catholic education and values permeate all areas of the curriculum and all aspects of school life. Of paramount importance to us is our caring, family ethos where all children can flourish and develop to become everything that they were created to be, academically, socially, morally and spiritually.

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